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Benedetto Levi

CEO, Iliad Italia


Born in 1988 in Turin, Benedetto Levi obtained a master’s degree in Management from the Paris Higher School of Commerce (ESCP Europe), after graduating in Logistics and Production Engineering from the “Politecnico di Torino”.

He is a member of the Asstel General Council and a member of the Unieuro Board of Directors.

From 2010 to 2018 he held various managerial positions between Turin, London and Paris, founding a startup specialized in the sale of smartphone accessories and then becoming Country Manager Italy and Deputy General Manager International for Captain Train (now part of the Trainline group, European leader in sales train ticket online).

In 2018 he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of iliad Italia S.p.A., newcomer of the Tlc market belonging to the Iliad Group, sixth operator in Europe.