Daniele Riccio

Daniele Riccio

Professor, University of Naples Federico II/CNIT


Daniele Riccio is a Full Professor of electromagnetic fields at the Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II. He also was a Research Scientist with the Italian National Research Council, a Guest Scientist with the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Germany, and a Research Affiliate to NASA, USA (2010-2018). He is a Member of the Cassini Radar Science Team and a Member of the Italian Space Agency Platino-1 Mission Advisory Group. At the University of Napoli Federico II he is the Rector Delegate for PhD Schools, coordinates the Ph.D. Schools in Information and Communication Technology for Health and in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. He is a Board member for the Ph.D. programme on Space at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples. He is the Athenaeum Representative within the Assembly of the National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT) where is has been elected to the Board of Directors, and within the Scientific Board of the Italian Society of Electromagnetism (SIEm) where he is appointed with the Secretary role in the Board of Directors. He has authored four books, including Scattering, Natural Surfaces and Fractals (2007), and 500 scientific papers. His research interests include electromagnetic theory, remote sensing, electromagnetic scattering from complex media and surfaces, synthetic aperture radar techniques, application of fractal geometry to remote sensing, propagation of electromagnetic fields for wireless communication networks planning.

Since 2018, prof. Riccio is the General Chair of the 5G International PhD School. He is Associate Editor for some journals on Remote Sensing. He was the recipient of the 2009 Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award for the best paper published in 2008 on the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Prof. Riccio is an IEEE Fellow.